Monday, 3 November 2014

Pectin a beneficial natural ingredient

Pectin is a natural ingredient, a type of viscous diary fiber which is extracted from edible plant materials like citrus peels and from the apple peel. It can be consumed with whole fruit and vegetable sources or in extracted form that comes from an extraction process consisting of selective precipitation by using alcohol or salts.  This fiber is commercially produced as white or brown fibers which are used as a gelling agent for the preparation of various foods, particularly gel-like foods like jams and jellies. It is also used in fillings, in medicines, sweets and also used as a stabilizer in fruit juices and milk drinks.

According to surveys, Pectin is considered very beneficial in lowering cholesterol. It can also help to shorten bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting, as well. It even has been shown to help prevent the onseet of prostate cancer. Apart from that, modified citrus pectin products are also considered effective in dealing with several other diseases and ailments like diabetes, bacterial infections, mouth and throat sores, and heartburn. It can also aid in the removal of toxins like lead and mercury from the body.

Pectin in Food : As alluded to above, pectin is a form of water soluble fiber, which is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Almost all fruits contain somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-10 percentof their content in the form of pectin. Among fruits, apples and citrus fruits like oranges, peaches, grapes and apricots contain the most pectin content. Pectin is also found in vegetables and legumes whose content can contain as much as 15-20 percent pectin. Among the vegetables, carrotscontain the most pectin. Tomatoes and potatoes are also high in pectin content. Among legumes, Peas have the highest content of pectin.

In short, pectin is awesome and you should be making sure to eat at least one pectin-rich food every single day.

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