Friday, 18 July 2014

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners And Their Negative Impact On Your Health

In many foods artificial sweeteners are being used instead of natural sugar. This is because they contain no calories at all and are falsely believed by people to not make you put on weight. They are sometimes made from naturally occurring substances such as herbs and even sugar. They’re quite intense. In fact, nearly all of them are much sweeter than sugar itself. So, just a small quantity is required to get a sweet taste. Artificial sweeteners are used heavily in many processed foods such as baked items, powered drink mixes, puddings, jams, jellies and much more.

There are many personal trainers and nutritionists who ask their clients to opt for low-calorie and low-carb food choices and artificial sweeteners is, unfortunately, one of them. The artificial sweeteners that have been approved by the FDA are Sucralose, Aspartame, Saccharin and Acesulfame Potassium. The inconvenient reality about artificial sweeteners is that they’re not nearly as good as they’re made out to be. 

Are artificial sweeteners bad?  Yes. Consuming foods that have them can eventually lead to Type 2 Diabetes. This is because, like when you consume normal sugar, the body produces insulin to react with it. However, there is no sugar for the cells to uptake. Hence, you can quickly develop resistance to insulin which causes diabetes to occur. As the body resists insulin, the pancreas is not able to produce enough of it to make cells absorb sugar into the blood which causes very high levels of blood sugar.  When the body becomes resistant to insulin, fat builds up fast and losing fat from the body becomes nearly impossible.

One of the biggest problems with artificial sweeteners is that you get to like their taste so much that naturally sweet foods and raw vegetables do not appeal to you any more. Hence you start avoiding nutritious food which are essential for your body to be healthy. Another thing about them is that they are addicting and make your brain crave more of them. Since they do not have any nutritional value body cells do not get satisfaction when you consume foods that include artificial sweeteners. This can result in overeating and weight gain.  Out of the many FDA approved alternatives to sugar, aspartame is likely the worst.

There are more than 900 published studies on the problems created by aspartame. Some of the common symptoms include depression, fatigue, joint pain, migraines, seizures and much more. Erythritol is one sweetener that is gaining popularity because it is made from corn, but since almost 100% of the corn in the United States is genetically modified, using this one is best to be avoided until its safety can be verified. To be safe, Dangerous artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and Erythritol should be avoided.

One big reason why do many people are plagued with obesity and chronic disease is because of the many “diet” food options available to them. These foods are tasty and they are also toxic. And once you eat them you become addicted. Your body simply can’t do without them. The end result of ingesting them is poor health. Your body’s immunity is diminished and you can easily develop complicated health conditions.

To sum up, artificial sweeteners are common elements in our food supply lead to a net undesirable effect on the body, so it’s best to avoid them. Stick to natural sugar is normal qualities and opt for a balanced diet combined with regular exercise to stay fit.

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