Tuesday, 2 September 2014

How to Torch Your Extra Fat by Sleeping More

Did you know you can help yourself to get rid of all that unsightly flab plaguing your body by not even moving a muscle? Be it those stubborn love handles or pockets of belly fat, you can strip it all off by doing nothing but getting a good night’s sleep. Yes, you heard that right.

Sleep is the one of the most essential things that our body requires in order to function properly. It is understandable, though, that in today’s fast-paced life, dedicating 8 long hours to sleep can be a tough task to do. But guess what? I have some tips for you below, which you can use to improve your sleeping patterns and, in turn, help you to torch off your excess body fat.

By following these 4 simple tips, you’ll be able to better lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, you’ll be able to reach your weight loss goals more effectively.

Sleep And Fat Loss
Chalk Out a Routine: The foremost thing which you need to do is to chalk out an effective sleep routine. Carrying the typical heavy workload and stressful life might make this sound like an impossible task to do, but it isn’t that tough! Start by doing everything you can to get to sleep at least 30-45 minutes earlier than usual. Follow this until your sleep cycle naturally adjusts and continue adding small amounts as needed to get up to the ideal amount of 8 hours per night. Slow and steady wins the race.

Get Acquainted with the Art of Napping: Taking a short and quick nap is the next best way to go. Keep your daytime napping to no longer than 20-minutes. Get your body acquainted with a 20-minute nap pattern and just get in the habit of shutting off for 20 minutes every day at the same time. It is believed that a 20 minute nap can be as good as an hour of sleep during the nighttime hours.

Visit a Physician: Sleep and fat loss are closely related. So you can certainly check with your physician to get their take on whether deprivation of sleep is really having effect on your ability to lose weight. Get proper check-ups done and ask lots of questions. You should be aware about what is actually going on inside your body and your physician is a great resource at your disposal.

Watch What You Eat Before Sleeping: Emptying a bag full of chips or gorging on a piece of chocolate cake right before sleeping will place a lot of digestive and sugar-induced stress on your body that will hinder your sleep quality. So make sure you control your pre-sleep diet. This can play a major role in helping you shed weight.

If you feel that your sleep patterns are preventing you from reaching your fat loss goals, try using these tips to help you strike the right balance between sleep and fat loss. You might be amazed at the difference a good night’s rest will make.